A few examples of creating gradient text in CSS.
Example 1: Linear-gradient text.

The code:
<html lang="en">
.logo {
margin: 50px;
font-size: 50px;
background: linear-gradient(to right, #1565c0, #e3f2fd 60%);
-webkit-background-clip: text;
-webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;
<h1 class="logo">KINDACODE.COM</h1>
Example 2: Radial-gradient Text

The code:
<html lang="en">
body {
.logo {
margin: 20vh 20vw;
font-size: 50px;
background-image: radial-gradient(red, yellow, green);
-webkit-background-clip: text;
-webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;
<h1 class="logo">KINDACODE.COM</h1>
Example 3: Repeating-linear-gradient Text

The code:
<html lang="en">
body {
background: #333;
.logo {
margin: 20vh 20vw;
font-size: 50px;
background-image: repeating-linear-gradient(
to bottom right,
yellow 10%,
green 20%
-webkit-background-clip: text;
-webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;
<h1 class="logo">KINDACODE.COM</h1>
Final Words
We’ve gone through some examples of gradient text color. If you’d like to learn more about CSS, take a look at the following:
- CSS: Styling Scrollbar Example
- CSS: Styling Input’s Placeholder Text Examples
- CSS: Adjust the Gap between Text and Underline
- CSS @keyframes Examples
- CSS: Make a search field with a magnifying glass icon inside
You can also check out our CSS category page for the latest tutorials and examples.